

Selamat datang di blog saya..
dengan blog ini saya hanya ingin berbagi ilmu pengetahuan yg saya miliki, semoga bermanfaat untuk anda...
Jangan lupa komennya,,,,hehehe

gw ^_^

gw ^_^

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Super Motocross Africa

Welcome to new Super Motocross challenge! Now it takes place in African savanna and features two game modes - Time Trial and Star Collector. In Time Trial mode you have to move as fast as you can to complete the track. In Star Collector mode you have to collect all stars on the track until time is out. Perform flips and back flips to gain additional nitro charge. Be fast to win the trophies. Win a bronze trophy at least to unlock next level. Collect certain trophy sets to unlock new bikes.

  • 15 challenging levels
  • 2 different game modes
  • 4 motorbikes
  • Colorful graphics

System requirements:
  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Processor 1 Ghz or better
  • 512 Mb RAM
  • 64 Mb of video memory



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Download WinRAR 5.00 Beta 6 (32-bit)

WinRAR 5.00 Beta 6 (32-bit)

RARLab - 1.68MB (Shareware) -beta     

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kenapa anak sekarang bringas-bringas dan doyan tauran

anak-anak jaman sekarang ko sering banget yah tauran, apa gak di ajarin di sekolah nya.

jawabannya bukan gak dia ajarin atau tidak disekolahnya..
yang namanya sekolah  pasti mengajarkan anak didiknya menuju kebaikan.
baik untuk dirinya dan juga orang lain disekitarnya .

lalu siapa yang salah, ko kenapa kebanyakan dari mereka sering tauran yah...

mungkin ini nih salah satu faktor nya..

anak zaman sekarang jarang banget ada yang di kasih ASI ( air susu ibu ) sampai umur 2 tahun, kebanyakan mereka langsung di berikan susu SAPI,

kucing menyusui anak kucing
sapi menyusui anak sapi
keledai menyusui anak keledai
kambing menyusui anak kambing
begitu juga seharusnya untuk manusia
manusia menyusui anak manusia.
bukan susu sapi untu anak manusia .........................

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Friday, 6 September 2013

pengalaman K3

hai semua nya,,
sorry sebelumnya w mau nulis iseng iseng soal K3 gw yang bertempat di desa cisoka tangerang,
awalnya sih w agak sedikit risih yah, soalnya w tuh orangnya cuek, pendiam, susah gaul deh pokonya,
jadi ngedenger kata KKK ( kuliah kerja kemasyarakatan) aja w udah ngeri ngeri sedap,,, soalnya pasti di sana w harus banyak bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat setempat, yang jelas w belum kenal dan belum tahu kebiasaan, adat, dan tradisinya, yang jadi permasalahannya ,, jangankan sama orang yang baru w kenal, sama orang-orang yang udah kenal lama aja w masih malu-malu. susah buat ngomong, dan takut-takutan.
apalagi sama orang yang blum w kenal. banyang kan sajalah..

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Extreme Drive


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Street Karate 2


When night falls, the streets belong to the bad guys. They are looking for a lone passerby to mug, and perhaps knock out a couple of teeth for good measure. The townspeople live in fear of the dark streets. Well, not everyone. Meet Severe Jack - big tough guy who is not afraid to kick any bad guy’s ass. Today he came out of the sports arena and discovered that someone had stolen his car. That was the last straw. Severe Jack is going hunting. The game was made in the best traditions of street fight platformers. Clear the levels, retaking the street from the bad guys, using only your fists. Lots of fighting moves - combos, airstrikes, and throws. Lively music and dynamic gameplay!

  • Dynamic fights
  • Simple control
  • Funny music

System requirements:
  • Windows 98/XP/Vista/7
  • Processor 800 Mhz or better
  • 256 Mb RAM
  • DirectX 9.0

Home Sweet Home


Picture the scene. You move into a new house and you have visions of how you want every room, except for one. Sure, there are some items you know you need in that room but, other than that, it's a black canvas. Who do you call? How about the 'Home Sweet Home' team? Learn a out your clients to ensure you are designing the perfect room to their tastes. Next, choose the furniture, choose the colors and patterns and place items around the room until the design is perfect. Then direct your building team of workers to assemble it all in front of your eyes! With simple controls, a fun graphical style and an easy to use interface, Home Sweet Home allows players to nurture their creative gaming experience. Remember - a house is not a home until it's 'Home Sweet Home'!

  • Unlockable furnishings
  • More than 400 furniture
  • 50 rooms to design
  • 50 client riddles to solve

System requirements:
  • Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor 600 Mhz or better
  • 128 Mb RAM
  • DirectX 6.0